Tuesday 5 May 2009

Day 17

Yes, I caved... Only slight niggles, the time off and copious ibuprofen consumption seems to have done the trick. Furthermore, I stopped a couple of times to stretch, which really seems to have helped. Also extended my warm up and stretching session, and was sure to warm down and stretch again...

On top of all that, I was in a pretty bad mood, don't know if that helped at all. So, how has this affected things?

Date: 05/05/2009
Start Time: 17:19:00
End Time: 17:34:00
Time Taken: 00:15:00
Route: Work/Home Route
Total Distance: 3.00 mi.
Effort: Normal
Quality: Good
Pace: 05:00 (avg)
Speed: 12 (mi/hr) (avg)

Drastically would be the answer, 5 minute miles :simply amazed..!!

Will rest tomorrow and thursday as well. Will assess friday how the legs are.....

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